Have you ever thought that you could leave your vehicle and come back with a full charge? With P-Up Tech, I could leave my vehicle in any parking lot and come back with a “fully” charged vehicle!

It is pretty remarkable when they have available, their service is average to good depending on the demand that week but you would be able to plan your charging schedule with them and arrange a charging session anyway in Singapore. Their price plans are on their website and I highly recommend their service for any Electric Car or Vehicle owner, even if you do not need them. They are good as a backup or secondary charger if your public charger is going through maintenance etc. *Yes, public chargers regularly go through maintenance and will be closed for a few hours or days.
I would say that really depends on their schedule, you could have a full battery the next day or a low charge the next day. You would really need to have a backup plan when using this service regularly.
- Remember to leave your charging port unlocked/open for them to charge any time
- Schedule a period instead of a certain hour and give them a longer period where your car could be parked. Let them know when you like to drive off so they could plan around this timing.
- Never have your battery too low, they may not be able to arrange to charge your vehicle if you have not confirmed their schedule.
- Have a backup plan, their vehicles do break down and staff may get sick. You may be left without a charge if they are unable to provide this service last minute so remember to have a secondary plan if they are unable to charge your vehicle at the last minute.